magda's travels

After a year at home in San Diego I picked up and moved to Tanzania, so I thought I would dust off the old blog again so I could keep people up-dated on my life. But as always its content is not a reflection of the U.S. government, Peace Corps or anything else.

Monday, October 16, 2006

a bit of a retraction

Well cats and kittens I may have exaggerated a bit when I called Ash a big fat jackass. I only assumed he was trying to embarrass me! Ashley I sincerely apologize and you know that I meant jackass in the nicest possible way right?..

It’s raining Again! And my family began winterizing the house. I have a radiator in my room and an oven in my living room so the upstairs apartment is quite cozy! Also grand news in my life, the toilet works- sweet day in the morning- I can shower and pee inside, where it is warm. Those of you who have ever had to run outside in monsoon like ran to use a Turkish toilet in the middle of the night, can imagine my glee!

The only other big news is that I finally gave Charlie a much-needed haircut, which the host family found interesting to no end. And then they, laughed and laughed at the joke that he finally looked like a boy! However, of all the moments with my family this weekend the one I liked the best was my host sister demonstrating how to get out of extra helpings at meals by summoning a Scarlet O’Hara-esque pout and then swooning over her bowl guarding it from her mother, saying that she was full, and then breaking character to look at me and say that’s what I needed to do! I just about peed my pants it was awesome, to bad right then the phone rang, and she got up and left her bowl defenseless, I guess mothers everywhere have the last word!

A new feature I would like to add to this is my Josh moments! Josh is an amazing guy, who keeps me entertained constantly. Josh’s curiosity knows no bounds, and it has an unusual predilection for minutia. Here’s why Josh is great and endlessly fascinating he knows a lot about things I never even knewn were topics, and assumes you do too, in fact he assumes you know almost everything and so he asks you…

Some classics Josh moments are:

1st week we lived in Azeribayjan at dinner. Candice comments that Josh has a great smile (Josh almost always smiles). His response smiling (without a drop of sarcasm) is, thanks, it took three surgeries!

Or upon arriving in Sheki, with Josh he turns to me and asks –what’s that building, when was it built?

This weeks Josh moments are:

I was discussing flasks with Josh and Charlie, and Josh turns to us and asks, “Wait what’s a flask?”


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