magda's travels

After a year at home in San Diego I picked up and moved to Tanzania, so I thought I would dust off the old blog again so I could keep people up-dated on my life. But as always its content is not a reflection of the U.S. government, Peace Corps or anything else.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Bayram, pie, and MSC

Well Happy end of Ramazan (Ramadan) to all of you out there!
For all of you that are unaware Ramazan is a month long fast observed in the Muslim world, which Azerbaijan is a part of! I however did not fast, some PCVs do not me, I find that I have to concentrate hard enough to remember it's Friday during Lent.

This year Ramazan marked the time between me going to Germany and this week. So I think it's fitting that I celebrate being back here, physically and mentally. I spent the first day of the holiday in my apartment, it being the first day after my fever broke (I was sick for a little while there, all better now). So I didn't want to push it. Charlie came over to grind some meat and burn some CDs. In Azerbaijan you typically buy your meat cut but not ground so if you want it ground you do it yourself, Charlie doesn't have a meat grinder though and I do. Also he wanted some of the sweet music I got from Ram and Aaron lately.
After chatting for a little bit we decided that we should bake some pies, so we did! An apple and and pecan pie. They were both delicious, but the apple pie was a little runny, if anyone knows how to fix that let me know. The Pecan pie was fantastic, I got pretty good at those last year when I practiced for Ben's bday pies.
Sunday I went over to the old host family's house and had lunch, it was great. I really really like them. Aysel my host sister and Arzu my host mother are amazing people and I always feel better when I go over there. My puppy is now a dog and I can't believe how big he's gotten compared to how small he started out, but I guess that's what puppies do they grow!

Ok just so you all know next week will be AZ4's Mid Service Conference. What does that mean? Well, it means a couple of things... 1. it means we're half done with our service (or a little over since today is our 13th month at site anniversary!) 2. it means all of AZ4 is trooping into Baku today and tomorrow for about a week of training, med exams, language tests, and togetherness. So as I hope my language test goes ok- I'm pretty nervous... I am really happy to see a lot of people I haven't seen in a while. Az4 of all the groups I have seen over here except maybe AZ2 is really a solid group. We're pretty much all supporters so it'll be nice to hang out together again. The last time we all lived in a hotel together for 4 nights it was greatness that lives in AZ4-folklore as Dalga 2. I am hoping for a similar bonding experience that would basically emulate what many people's views of PC life guitars, singing, freestyle song writing, capes, forts, in other words the standard fare!

Monday, October 08, 2007

some pirate news

Ok, so you all know that I have a small thing for pirates. They sail on the ocean, and I like the ocean. They eat limes, and lord knows I like limes. They go ever so well in foods and drinks that I like- like guacamole and caiprihanas. And then there's the ham...

So it's well documented. I'd like to thank all of you that supported International talk like a Pirate day, especially those of you that emailed me about it, Matt, Lucas and Tom's dad! Also for the pirate -shwag that I have received since being here. Pirate coloring books from Joy and Keri (which is awesome, since I also love to color, and Keri's came with an eye patch). A full pirate costume (joy) (that would fit if my full size was that of a four year old). Pirate sword plastic tooth picks (keri)Happy Birthday Pirate Banners (my sisters) Eye Patches (sisters)Pirate Hats (sisters) My pride and joy shirt that says I scull and cross bones pirates (Mags)Roughly 50 Long John Silver's pirate hats (Ash via his friends)A plank!!! (Ram and Terah)a small pirate book that expands in water (sisters)
This week I received two new Piratey books from my father and Steph and a plastic bracelet that says Argggggh Matey and has a skull and cross bones on it from Tom via one of his friends.

I wanted to thank you all for the support, I think that I will literally have to decorate on of my rooms exclusively in Pirate shwag just to make use of it all.
Also let me say this I have just learned that the next installment of the THE PIRATE! book series is going to be called "Pirates! an adventure with Napolean" there's an extract online, but I am torn because I really want to read it, but don't want to, because then it won't be new any more-- you can see the dilemma. But if any of you are fans (and let me say if you even remotely love dry brittish humor, monty python-esque wit, or pirates, you really ought to surrender yourself to the fact that these books are designed for you!) then you can find the extract at Gideon Defoe's website Gideon Defoe, being the author of the Pirates! series. And if anyone finds out when the book is being released please please tell me. Even if it is next fall it would give me such hope just to know that it has a release date. Okay that's enough out of me. Just thought someone else ought there would be excited to know there is going to be a fourth book!!!!

The Germany Trip

I've been trying to think of exactly how to describe my trip to Germany for a while now. I couldn't think of exactly how to describe how it felt to be back, and I know an itemized list of what I did could not convey it. There was that and the fact that as predicted there was about a 10 day whiplash period of adjustment upon my return to the land of fire. But I am back and have to start with a BIG Gigantic Thank you to Christof (sunshine) and Christoph (Christoph). The first for being an outstanding friend picking me up at the train and letting me stay at his place for two weeks! The second for paying for my plane ticket-- I mean C'mon what a professor!

Because I could never think of how to blog this, I am stealing directly from an email I wrote home, I think it does a good job of describing how it felt to be on my trip. One caveat, I did do work while I was there and it was interesting, but there is no mention of that in this-- oh well!!

Germany was fantastic -- AMAZING. I saw my best friends Gudrun,
Christof (aka sunshine) Aaron (the American) and Michael. Fernando
who was a friend became a best friend as we were both given VIP status
allowed to do what we wanted as much or as little. So often we'd
drink coffee all day, giggling. Once we ran through the rain laughing
at ourselves outloud the whole way across campus. It was like we were
both discovering what it felt like to be free again and we had each
other to look back at and remark constantly how good it felt! Fernando
is Brazilian and the year behind me in studies so we were friends but
I didn't know him as long or as well as some other people there, I no
longer feel like that is true.

To tell you about Germany I can say that I feel back into my life in
Kassel effortlessly. I know that city. And it felt like someone had
kept my life warm for me. I walked onto the campus for the first time
and turned in by my department and from behind I saw someone. I
walked another few steps to be sure before yelling out "Hey Jackass" (it's his nickname, he likes it. Don't worry it's not mean!) Michael turned around, shocked smiled, hugged me and then responded.
"You've been here for how long and you haven't called me?" I told him
I had only arrived the night before at it was after 8:30 on a weekend
so he was probably in bed, he agreed and we went and got some coffee.
My coffee date lasted about an hour until I went to lunch with
someother friends I ran into.

The best day in Germany was the Friday I was there. I woke up late,
took a shower, watched a little TV, then headed off to campus. I met
Michael and had lunch with him in the cafeteria. We bantered back and
forth for an hour and I told him about my life and heard about his.
After that I joined Fernando and some current students as they
finished lunch then we went to coffee (it's really a part of our lunch
there. We eat and talk then go to our student run leftist cafe.) So
Fernando and I sat down there at about 1. Another guy, Mike joined us
a half our later and we talked about the program and all sorts of
stuff. Then we got more coffee and Fernando decided we needed
chocolate, he came back with a Surprise. He looks at me and says, I
know from Aaron that all Americans LOVE these and he hands me a box of
Oreos. He was right I loved them. So we drank coffee and ate Oreos.
Then Andreas and Olga walked by, I hadn't seen them in two years so we
hugged and chatted. I think it was then that Mike decided we needed
beer so he went in the cafe and came back with beers for us all. a
few more people drifted in and out then Olga and Andreas decided we
needed fried chicken and fries (cause that's what they eat every
friday) and we didn't want to leave so Andreas biked and came back
with Fried Chicken and fries and more beer. By this time Antonio (a
mexican guy 3rd yr who rented my apartment and bought all my stuff
from me) was back. He'd been getting Stereo equipment for the party
we were having at the cafe the next night. He asked us if we would
stay there for another hour we said of course, for now we had fried
chicken and beer. So we sat there, friends came in and out we text
messaged others to meet us there when they were free for the night.
And as it got cold and dark we were going to move on, but since we had
the keys to the now closed cafe we just went inside. We had the
stereo equipment and my ipod, so there was music. There was beer and
our friends were there so we sat down and kept hanging out, remarking
that this was the best night EVER! Aaron came, Gudrun came, Eddie
came, then Sunshine. All of my favorite people, and no one else. Our
own music in our own cafe. It was Perfect! I left with sunshine at
midnight and the rest stayed another couple of hours. The program
party was the next night, but that was the night that I will always
remember and knew even as it was happening that I would remember it as
one of the best in my life.

That was Germany, it was feeling free, it was good friends hanging out
talking, and coffee. It was a seemless landing back into a life I
left two years ago. It was perfect.

Another note: I did also play Kicker while in Germany (Once against Fernando and Aaron and beat them, other times with less success. Kicker is the German name for fooseball, for the Americans in the crowd, I think it's table soccer or padyfoot or something like that to the Brits)
Last note: Not that it's less important but it isn't really about Germany; Kazia's pregnant, my older sister for those of you unfamilar)

pictures are all taken in or in front of Des Asta - our favorite cafe
group picture- Eddie, Fernando, Antonio, Aaron and Gudrun
Sunshine looking extra fancy - couldn't figure out how to rotate the picture
Fernando- my newest best friend, drinking coffee and eating chocolate!
Me and Antonio- I think I am shooting Mike (the photographer) a really weird look!