magda's travels

After a year at home in San Diego I picked up and moved to Tanzania, so I thought I would dust off the old blog again so I could keep people up-dated on my life. But as always its content is not a reflection of the U.S. government, Peace Corps or anything else.

Monday, October 08, 2007

some pirate news

Ok, so you all know that I have a small thing for pirates. They sail on the ocean, and I like the ocean. They eat limes, and lord knows I like limes. They go ever so well in foods and drinks that I like- like guacamole and caiprihanas. And then there's the ham...

So it's well documented. I'd like to thank all of you that supported International talk like a Pirate day, especially those of you that emailed me about it, Matt, Lucas and Tom's dad! Also for the pirate -shwag that I have received since being here. Pirate coloring books from Joy and Keri (which is awesome, since I also love to color, and Keri's came with an eye patch). A full pirate costume (joy) (that would fit if my full size was that of a four year old). Pirate sword plastic tooth picks (keri)Happy Birthday Pirate Banners (my sisters) Eye Patches (sisters)Pirate Hats (sisters) My pride and joy shirt that says I scull and cross bones pirates (Mags)Roughly 50 Long John Silver's pirate hats (Ash via his friends)A plank!!! (Ram and Terah)a small pirate book that expands in water (sisters)
This week I received two new Piratey books from my father and Steph and a plastic bracelet that says Argggggh Matey and has a skull and cross bones on it from Tom via one of his friends.

I wanted to thank you all for the support, I think that I will literally have to decorate on of my rooms exclusively in Pirate shwag just to make use of it all.
Also let me say this I have just learned that the next installment of the THE PIRATE! book series is going to be called "Pirates! an adventure with Napolean" there's an extract online, but I am torn because I really want to read it, but don't want to, because then it won't be new any more-- you can see the dilemma. But if any of you are fans (and let me say if you even remotely love dry brittish humor, monty python-esque wit, or pirates, you really ought to surrender yourself to the fact that these books are designed for you!) then you can find the extract at Gideon Defoe's website Gideon Defoe, being the author of the Pirates! series. And if anyone finds out when the book is being released please please tell me. Even if it is next fall it would give me such hope just to know that it has a release date. Okay that's enough out of me. Just thought someone else ought there would be excited to know there is going to be a fourth book!!!!


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