magda's travels

After a year at home in San Diego I picked up and moved to Tanzania, so I thought I would dust off the old blog again so I could keep people up-dated on my life. But as always its content is not a reflection of the U.S. government, Peace Corps or anything else.

Monday, July 23, 2007


Well Kats and Kittens, its time for another Blog entry. And here we go. The last week has seen me play hostess quite a bit! Adam came to help me with my website again, and yet again I worked him to exhaustion. This time I took my own trash out but kept him at my office till 11pm or midnight the whole time. However, we were productive, and according to Peace Corps Inspector Carlos Torres- that is a pretty good measure of happiness levels for PCVs. And trust me when PC touts its organizational knowledge wizardry, I don’t question it!

In other news I finally saw the Wolf-man of Sheki. I’ve seen pictures and heard stories but I had my first and second sighting this week. Sheki is a great town, and is full of sweet pastries, old architecture and Characters. I have presented few to you my readers already, the well dressed azeri lady and my postman to name a couple. Well the Wolf-man is on that caliber. He is this hunched older man that walks around Sheki with a stuffed wolf under a sheet. NO KIDDING!! For 40cents you can look into the beasts eyes and take a picture with it! Two things to note about the stuffed Wolf, it’s eyes have little LED lights in them to make him look more fierce and my favorite part—the silk sheet that covers the Wolf has two holes cut out for its ears to stick out—how great is that!

Lastly, some other characters rolled into town this weekend- AZ5. Well we had three 5ers come in to learn about a PCV does, what is our life like, and pump us for all sort of info. I had to lovely girls Kat and Carly and Josh had Donny the new kid (who totally took my Donny the new kid on the block references well!) If these three are any indication of the quality of AZ5 we’re going to have a great year. They got in Saturday night, Josh and I picked them up from the bus station—I went “Sheki ice queen” on Donny and later apologized and made it up with Chicken tacos. (Sheki ice queen is my public persona at site especially with men, Charlie dubbed me that and Ash can attest to just how true it can be.) Sunday the boys hiked and the girls slept in, went to the Bazar, walked around town, and took some naps, that afternoon we met up with Karen (the coolest expat at CHF) had tea and went to dinner at our hotel. Sunday night the girls kept me up giggling and talking about stuff—I know that will take no one by surprise. Monday was take your 5s to work day and since they had to leave so early we crashed Monday night. But I had a great great time with the 5ers and I look forward to meeting them all! Please enjoy the pic of us and Wolf-man and the WOLF!


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