magda's travels

After a year at home in San Diego I picked up and moved to Tanzania, so I thought I would dust off the old blog again so I could keep people up-dated on my life. But as always its content is not a reflection of the U.S. government, Peace Corps or anything else.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Baby it's cold outside

Hi Everyone out there in blogging land. So winter finally hit Sheki, we didn't have a white Christmas but we sure did have a white New Year's! It's snowed for a week straight. Today was the first sunny day, which means I woke up to the sound of 1ft + icicles falling from the rooftops. It was also the first day back to work since Dec 19th, so it was a little rough getting out of my nice warm bed, but I did it!

The roads are not just icy though, they are entirely iced over, so I had the distinct pleasure of walking to work on an uphill ice rink. I even saw where someone had slipped earlier and spilt there milk, because the milk had froozen! Which brings up a new fun game I have been playing, called funny things I see in the snow. It started on New Year's Eve, the first day of heavy snow, I was walking to Nick and Emily's and I saw an organ lying there in the snow, no kidding! I am not really sure which one it was maybe a liver? Since then I have also seen a CD frozen to the ground beneath the snow and possibly my favorite Azeri shoeprints. Azeri men's shoes are typically very pointy so the shoe prints looks live Elf prints, it's pretty darn funny!!!

So that's it from Sheki for now... and in case you are all wondering I am keeping warm by sitting in my kitchen keeping warm by the whole in my floor through which hot air blows, from...? This is largely because I am typically too scared to light my heater because it is really just a blow torch in a metal box!


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