magda's travels

After a year at home in San Diego I picked up and moved to Tanzania, so I thought I would dust off the old blog again so I could keep people up-dated on my life. But as always its content is not a reflection of the U.S. government, Peace Corps or anything else.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Magic Heating Hole, friend or foe!

So After the original posting of this and the previous post I added some pictures, I will add even more to the next one if I can figure out how to rotate pictures, it seems like that should be easy. But alas! Also since the posting of this, it started to snow again. I'll let you all know how that ends up working out for me. I'll tell you this though, I have started distilling a ton of water to keep in reserves. All the locals are predicting another storm to roll in in the beginning of Feb. YAY! So one of these pics is the new snow and the other is one of the wrist warmers I have crocheted in front of the carpet on the wall in my bedroom. Is it just me or does it remind anyone else of that scene in "Garden State" where his shirt and wallpaper match!

I am sitting at work, by my raging fire of the gas petch (heater) and I was thinking it was blogging time, for no real outstanding reason, just cause...

So if you are out there in blogland and have been reading any of the Blog's from the PCVs here you'll note that we are all mentioning the cold! It's true it's cold, the coldest winter in AZ since 1974. The results of which are many here are a few.
Many people are still without water ( those of us who live in apartments are mostly back and running now days, but none of my sitemates can really say that)
Street Sledding is the new national past time
I missed my friends wedding, due to fear of the roads, and thusly you are all deprived of pics with me with extensions
At least in Sheki, everything is just Beautiful
School closed for an extra week because of the roads
But at least we had snow so I think that the water supply will last for a long time this summer (finger's crossed)

Strangely, it's been a great month and I have no major complaints and all the minor ones seemed to be taking care of themselves, as they usually do!

I can't remember if I ever mentioned my magic heating hole, I believe I did. So there is a hole in my kitchen floor about the size of a soda can. Through this hole hot air flowed and heated my apartment to the degree that I didn't feel the need to light my flame thrower petch. I was VERY happy about this arangement, largely because I have a tremendous amount of fear surrounding my flame throwing petch. Well last week my landlord came over and put an end to my magic heating hole. Apparently she thought I would burn to death because of it, she said she cried because I didn't answer my phone and she thought I may be dead already. Which is sad, and I guess I am glad that the danger of me burning to death is behind us, even if I don't believe it. I
have been wrong about a lot of things, why risk it right? I mean, she could be right. There are a lot of mistakes I still make because of assumptions. For example, this week our cook is on vacation so I cooked lunch at work on Monday. I assumed that the plastic cooking oil container in the kitchen was cooking oil. See right there, another false assumption. It was however, lighter fluid! Luckily, I am not sick at present and have the ability to smell and noticed it that it was not cooking oil BEFORE lighting the stove.

So there you go, magic heating hole may or may not be your friend and cooking oil may or may not be lighter fluid, Life lessons!

I'll leave you with this happy thought, all the streets in Sheki are nearly thawed, it isn't nearly the obstacle course of an ice walk it was last week. And it's been warm enough all week that even without my magic heating hole I haven't needed to light my flame thrower petch. So I am going to go ahead and call that a Win-Win!


At 8:16 AM, Blogger alexis said...

Hi, my name is alexis and i was just invited to go to azerbaijan to be a CED. i'm........i don't know. azerbaijan seems rougher than other locales for the ladies. can i get your keep insight? please feel free to write me:

thank you


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