"Because it's America Day, not Azerbaijan Day!"

Well the long awaited day finally came this weekend. I have no idea how many hours of discussion and prep it took, I couldn't tell you how many contour it cost me on my cell texting people about it, and ironing out details and travel arrangements. And what I really can't tell you is how I managed to burn cookies even though the power had gone out (it's skill! ) What I can tell you is that it was AWESOME. Things I expected to work for the most part did, some exceptionally well and the things I didn't expect people to get into went off! 28 Azeri kids came out to learn about halloween, thanksgiving and American Football, that's what America Day was. Simple enough right. I thought it up and planned it with my sitemates. Halloween candy and pie, mmm delicious pie. And when you're in Peace Corps and the electricity decides to cut out, you make cookies and apple crisps. Cause in the Peace Corps you always have to have a plan B. I was ready for those types of things, what I really didn't expect for the bobbing for apples to be such a hit and for the girls to be so enthusiastic about playing flag football, but they were. Afterwards we made exceptional chili. It was great!! Mmmmm chili. And I cut 3 girls' hair and had mine cut by a fourth, yea Peace corps team work!
So now I am sitting at my desk back to work after the nice long weekend, and listening to jazz on my computer. It is definately on it's way to winter but we were granted a great and mild weekend for america day, and I was able to take another walk into the foothills and sit in a graveyard and talk with a friend. It's great when in fall you can really be excited by a nice day, because you are aware that you are running out of chances to sit outside.
The title for this week's entry is a translated quote from my host mother! She's amazing, I really like her. I had brought some girls by and borrowed some kitchen equipment from her. My host father was asking we were cooking what we were (which ws chili) and why not cook these other things, she stopped him mid sentence and said because it's America Day and not Azerbaijan day! I love it. I'm not sure that they got that it was an event and not a holiday of it's own but I am not really sure that it matters. What's the real difference when you are that far away from home. A replica holiday feels the same as a real holiday. Eating cookies, and seeing your family is basically the same as a holiday. Afterwards there were a lot of naps and then people had to get up early and travel home, like a real holiday. So I guess the difference doesn't matter! Happy America Day Everyone!!!!!
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