Four months at site

Four months at site
Well, as is becoming unfortunately more and more usual, I am late again on this entry. I think at this point in my service I am starting to see that there may be patterns. The day in the life description that you have all asked after is something I may just now be starting to see. Although, of course having said that, I know that I am about to reach an important new phase in my service. The phase where I am allowed to move out.
But again I am getting ahead of myself.
Here’s what my days usually look like. I get up around 8 am. I go through all the regular getting ready for the day stuff and go downstairs at 8:45 (on a good day, 9 on a late day). I eat breakfast. This is usually bread, butter and tea. Sometimes there is goat cheese or honey. I go to work, which is 10 minutes away, if there is no snow or ice. I work at my office 9-1. 1pm in the national lunch time, everyone seems to eat then. My office all eats together and we have a cook who cooks for us. I really like her, she is both nice and an excellent Azeri cook! After lunch people drink tea and chat. I sit there for a bit but, if the weather is ok Josh and I go for a walk after lunch. We run errands during our walk, like checking for packages. After the walk we go to one of our offices and have tea. After that it is back to work for about an hour and somewhere between 4-5 I leave work and go home. At home I talk to my puppy for a bit, go back upstairs change immediately into my pj pants. Once clad in comfy clothes I set up my ipod and listen to some music as I either read or crotchet. As you may be significantly unaware, since I never wrote about my visit with momi, we started making a cuddle blanket. It is currently about 2-2.5 wide and 8 feet long.
Last night I hit maybe the height of the depression of my laptop’s death, yes it is dead. Then, I realized I had the first two seasons of The Office on my ipod (the American version). I had watched it all during training but seeing how I have little else I can do while I crotchet… I watched it again last night, and dang it if it wasn’t funnier the second time around! I sit there mellowing out until around 6. Around 6pm is when the texting heightens, PCVs texting questions, texting cause they are bored or lonely, texting plans for the next time we will meet up. And also somewhere around 6 is dinner time. My host sister will come to my door and ask if I will eat and I stop whatever it is I am doing and go eat. After dinner, there is tea. I take my tea upstairs and go back to whatever it was I was doing before. Then I go to bed somewhere between 10-12. So there you have it. I am betting this is incredibly dull to read but it is my standard day and that’s what you asked for, I blame you all… for shame! Unless of course you found it interesting, and in that case I am taking all the credit.
As I have mentioned many times feel free to check Ash’s site when I am lagging, he has some good descriptions of what life is like here.
Well, as is becoming unfortunately more and more usual, I am late again on this entry. I think at this point in my service I am starting to see that there may be patterns. The day in the life description that you have all asked after is something I may just now be starting to see. Although, of course having said that, I know that I am about to reach an important new phase in my service. The phase where I am allowed to move out.
But again I am getting ahead of myself.
Here’s what my days usually look like. I get up around 8 am. I go through all the regular getting ready for the day stuff and go downstairs at 8:45 (on a good day, 9 on a late day). I eat breakfast. This is usually bread, butter and tea. Sometimes there is goat cheese or honey. I go to work, which is 10 minutes away, if there is no snow or ice. I work at my office 9-1. 1pm in the national lunch time, everyone seems to eat then. My office all eats together and we have a cook who cooks for us. I really like her, she is both nice and an excellent Azeri cook! After lunch people drink tea and chat. I sit there for a bit but, if the weather is ok Josh and I go for a walk after lunch. We run errands during our walk, like checking for packages. After the walk we go to one of our offices and have tea. After that it is back to work for about an hour and somewhere between 4-5 I leave work and go home. At home I talk to my puppy for a bit, go back upstairs change immediately into my pj pants. Once clad in comfy clothes I set up my ipod and listen to some music as I either read or crotchet. As you may be significantly unaware, since I never wrote about my visit with momi, we started making a cuddle blanket. It is currently about 2-2.5 wide and 8 feet long.
Last night I hit maybe the height of the depression of my laptop’s death, yes it is dead. Then, I realized I had the first two seasons of The Office on my ipod (the American version). I had watched it all during training but seeing how I have little else I can do while I crotchet… I watched it again last night, and dang it if it wasn’t funnier the second time around! I sit there mellowing out until around 6. Around 6pm is when the texting heightens, PCVs texting questions, texting cause they are bored or lonely, texting plans for the next time we will meet up. And also somewhere around 6 is dinner time. My host sister will come to my door and ask if I will eat and I stop whatever it is I am doing and go eat. After dinner, there is tea. I take my tea upstairs and go back to whatever it was I was doing before. Then I go to bed somewhere between 10-12. So there you have it. I am betting this is incredibly dull to read but it is my standard day and that’s what you asked for, I blame you all… for shame! Unless of course you found it interesting, and in that case I am taking all the credit.
As I have mentioned many times feel free to check Ash’s site when I am lagging, he has some good descriptions of what life is like here.
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