oh my god you read this thing

So I know that it might be belated but I was just scrolling through some past posts and realized I have a few posters. Not the type that glow in blacklight, or that have a kitten on it that seems to stare in a creepy way (jess you know what I mean, those kitten posters where everywhere) But rather, the kind that post comments. And for those of you who posted, I have written repsonses!!! Yeah technology is fun.
Secondly, For those who have looked at the post beneath this one, you'll kindly not that the pictures didn't line up the way I asked and therefore it looks like tom is a woman, ashley corrected me on this, he is in fact a little little girl. I thought about going through the effort of fixing it up, but now I think it is more fun if you guess who is who. Post you're guesses!! I'll post the rest of the pics and you decide who is who and then there maybe a prize!!
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