meet the crew

So I guess it’s been long enough and it’s time to play, ‘meet my friends’ so I have attached pictures of those I probably spend the most time with when I am not at site. Most people would call us a clique and I have found that some even call us ‘the clique,’ I’ll just say that they are my friends and yes we are very close and got that way rather quickly for the most part and leave it at that.
So in no particular order allow me to make some introductions…
So there’s Ashley, lots of planning usually falls on my or his shoulders, it just seems to happen that way maybe we share a passion for what some might call scheming. Half way through training we all get reviewed Ashley’s the kind of guy that everyone will know, we love him, one of the reviewers that really hadn’t met him simply described him as loud!
Then there’s Tom, Ashley’s sitemate, the two of them are the Lenkeran boys, and by himself he’s known as goatflix, goat, or Thomas (usually used by me or others to tease him). Goatflix started in Philly when he announced he was bringing 250 DVDs to AZ. And at that time, I believe Ash dubbed him goatflix ala netflix. Tom’s Chicago through and through and although he can’t get his parents to send him so much as his contacts, his friends send him stuff all the time including DVDs of all the Bears games.
Then there’s Rachel, the one person I met before coming out here, we arrived at the airport together and pretty much stayed that way as long as possible. Rachel is also known as Higgens (her last name) Higgs or squeaky (cause she squeaks) But Rach is TEFL, along with being our word for something lame, TEFL in the English teaching program, and only a few of us among my close friends are TEFL.
Kasey, is also TEFL she and Rachel were in a cluster (training group of 5 or 6) together, She’s great! The kind of girl that doesn’t tell everyone that you ruined the surprise for her birthday party by accidentally texting her about it! God bless her. Now she has the rge as a sitemate.
Then there’s Rikki George who everyone calls by first and last name or by her last name, or by the RGE for “the Rikki George Experience,” which is a really long story but let’s say someone was gonna get stolen from, there was a real long period where that was her, I tell you when it ends. Rikki was my neighbor in training and one of my clustermates.
So was Ben. Ben was probably my best friend in training. He and I bonded over a dislike of going home to our host family homes and sarcasm. Although he was dubbed lump, for his sluggishness during orientation week (due to illness) Ben would probably be the first one into the fight to defend my honor- to use a Jana-phrase.
Then there’s Joy whose family is from Moreno Valley and for those of you who don’t know it is extremely close to Redlands. In fact we daydreamed of Cuca’s burritos and Rama Garden all summer. Joy is known as killjoy or Darth Joyous, for her ‘sunny’ disposition, she’s great just a small chick with an extra portion of fieist!
Last but not least there is Maria. She is very piratanical, and dry, so I love her even though I call her my least favorite (no worries it’s a joke she started and calls me the same) and even though she is TEFL and lives in a village and can’t travel and I’ll probably never see her again she’s still family!
So here they are my friends we bonded over our shared fondness for what let’s call youthful exuberance, I will send you all pictures of them in our natural state of giggle fits!
Josh moment of the week:
This one has got to go to Charlie, who just got his new place in a conversation at the clubhouse over burgers (yeah peace corps really rough sometimes) Charlie mentions that he was just realizing how much work having his own house will be; shopping, cooking, gardening, cleaning etc. And then he says he hopes it doesn’t ruin his hands, “I mean, I really like my hands guys, they’re really nice, soft, and supple.” I know it’s not a Josh quote but c’mon that’s pretty awesome. He spent the weekend showing people his hands, ahh Charlie I love you man!
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