magda's travels

After a year at home in San Diego I picked up and moved to Tanzania, so I thought I would dust off the old blog again so I could keep people up-dated on my life. But as always its content is not a reflection of the U.S. government, Peace Corps or anything else.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Prelude

Just a brief ‘shout out’ before beginning this entry, as is my way if I become aware of a new reader I just like to say hello. Zoltan our country director is now reading my blog, so hello Zoltan. But before any of you become overly impressed he is reading all of the blogs by pcvs in az it’s a new policy for the region.

But enough of that, policies are long and typically boring and I believe this entry shall be anything but boring!

Maybe some of you are unaware of just how much I love my own birthday. Let me try to explain it. I love it more than anyone over the age of 5. I really really love my birthday. I believe it should be a national holiday. I almost believe that our government arranged Presidents Day so that there would always be a three day weekend for my birthday. I start planning my birthday casually around August, and everything after New Year’s is hardcore planning. So the fact that there will be multiple entries about my birthday should not throw you, consider yourself warned and that is why this entry is entitled, The Prelude

So I am about to turn 27. I still can’t send text messages very well and I love Pirates maybe more than any healthy person should, wait strike that. My love for Pirates is plenty healthy. Ahhh… pirates.

Anyway, so how does one celebrate their 27th well, you should take the best parts of all the other phases of life. For example when you were 12 you had a good old sleepover party, check!

Then in high school (if you were WAAAY cooler than me) you may have had that party after prom, mmm check!

College saw great road trip parties, check! College also had a good deal of theme parties, Check! And the in college there were parties of extended length, the good old three day weekend party, Check. Hmmmm college did have some good times didn’t it. (at this point I would like to say a fresh shout out to all the parents reading my blog. Rest assured I did plenty well in school, so relax and settle down!)

And in Peace Corps you have the Marines, good God bless them. The can provide you with shelter and beverages, and even laundry facilities. (Sorry but if you don’t do all your laundry by hand then you probably are under appreciating your washing machine as we speak)

So if you throw all those things together I think you have a vague idea of what this weekend is going to be like for me. For this weekend will be… “A very Pirate affair”


At 1:16 AM, Blogger marsy said...

I like it! Maybe I should steal the idea for next year!!! by the way I totally owe you a letter, and offer you my late Congratulations!!!


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