magda's travels

After a year at home in San Diego I picked up and moved to Tanzania, so I thought I would dust off the old blog again so I could keep people up-dated on my life. But as always its content is not a reflection of the U.S. government, Peace Corps or anything else.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

when stressed

Dearest readers,

Here are things that you could do if you are stressed out.

1. Dance party. Dance parties can be private, involving just you, or many of your friends. They can be planned or spontaneous. And one of my favorite stress relievers is the long distance dance party. The long distance dance party is when you call up one or several friends and tell them to dance at the same time you are dancing. Trust me the long distance dance party is highly successful at relieving stress. (Most of my girl friends here are well connected to the long distance dance party network)

2. Going for a walk. One of the best ways to relax while walking is to go with a friend or colleague. Use the time to plan projects, discuss life or progress within on-going projects. A first rate stress reducer is the pastry or chocolate walk. A pastry walk is a walk to a bakery on the other side of town, pick up a pastry and snack on the way back to work. (any day I am in Sheki and it isn’t storming, Josh and I do this)

3. Crotchet. Preferably you should crotchet a cuddle blanket. This is good as a solo activity or in pairs.

4. Draw. Sit down with your friend and color; coloring books are ideal for relaxing coloring sessions.

5. Talk with friends. I suggest discussing new trends in piracy. Challenges facing ‘today’s pirate,’ Where to go on the off-season, or the chilling debate, is Santa a pirate afterall?

5. Cook with friends. Cook foods that are fun and challenging to attempt or foods that are familiar and soothing to prepare.

6. Spend a weekend in a hotel. Sometimes a change of scenery can help things.

7. Chocolate.

8. Ipod.

The winter can be long for anyone. And you should all know that I am still doing great. I just thought a list of what I do may shed some light into what my days here look like.What I do with momemts that aren't filled with community mobilization, or integration. What I do in those other moments, Yes I have done all of the above this week. Especially piratanical debates. Look not all of you celebrate the glorious month of February the way that I do, so I thought I would help you out a bit. As for me I have much planning to do to get to the highlight of the year, the coup-de-ta of celebrations. the day the puts the third corner in a pirate captain tri-corner hat, the humble 20th of Fevral


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